adresa Orașul Gura Humorului, str. Toaca, nr. 73, Suceava
telefon +40 741 201 547
+40 756 697 637
Rate: 280 Lei
/ double room superioara for one night only
28 places, 14 rooms
QR code
Bine ati venit!


Rates from 02 June 2024 until 18 September 2024:
Rate for Double room superioara - 2 places:
• for one night only: 280 Lei during the week, 280 Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Triple room - 3 places:
• for one night only: 310 Lei during the week, 310 Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Suita - 2 adulti + 2 copii - 4 places:
• for one night only: 350 Lei during the week, 350 Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Double room as single 8:
• for one night only: 280 Lei during the week, Lei in weekend
• for or more nights reserved: Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Rate for Casuta cu doua camere - 4 places:
• for one night only: 600 Lei during the week, 600 Lei in weekend
• for 0 or more nights reserved: 0 Lei / night during the week, Lei / night in weekend
Check-in: 15:00     Check-out: 11.00

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